Becoming a
Truth Whisperer
I am currently working on my book,
Truth Whispering:
Connecting with your inner truth and wisdom
and it will be out in the Spring of 2024!
Our workshops will resume in the Summer of 2024.
✓ Are you tired of looking to experts for answers for all of life’s challenges, but never quite finding what you’re looking for, always feeling like it’s just around the next corner?
✓ Are you longing for more mental clarity amidst all the confusion and chaos of the world?
✓ Do you wish that you could be more in tune with yourself to find the answers within?
✓ Have you ever wondered what life could be like if you could tune into the inner wisdom of your Higher Self and have it tell you exactly what it needed and where to go next?
We have all had flashes of insight that have inspired our lives… but where are these insights when you really need them? Where are they found? Can you easily access them on demand?
If not, then I know how you feel, I’ve been there myself. One of my first insights came to me at the age of 12, when my intuition told me to be conscious about what I put into my body and to stop eating meat. I didn’t even know any vegetarians at that time, but I began my health journey with this inner decision to follow a healthy vegetarian diet.
A few years later I was introduced to mindfulness through a course my parents attended first, then paid for me to attend. That helped me clear some of the mind blocks to being more intuitive. Many years later, as I continued practicing what I had learned, I also studied energy healing and learned to ask my intuition for answers. I had met a Guru, travelled to India on pilgrimage, but I could see that even though the various mindfulness methods, healing practices and spiritual teachings I’d been learning were helping my life in so many ways, it still wasn’t bringing me to that peaceful place inside that I knew existed.
I still had a feeling that there was something missing… something that could create that feeling I had in my many trips to India and in my deep meditations. I wanted so badly to feel connected to the authentic part of myself I had discovered on my India pilgrimages, but was still missing in my everyday life. I felt like somehow, the answer was in these different parts of my life, but I just couldn’t find the connection between them!
My experiences are not unique. Most people have had similar intuitive experiences as I have. These flashes of insight are always popping in unexpectedly, but where do they come from? I discovered that by immersing myself in asking my intuition for answers in all these areas of my life it somehow amplified my inner connection and I was able to easily fine tune my intuition. Now I feel connected most of the time and it has transformed my trust in the universe.
It’s true that something led me to start my journey at a very young age. The voice within me was not easy to hear at first. It was not a clear voice in the beginning, but more of a strong feeling, I needed to stop eating meat. So I instantly became a vegetarian, back when that was unheard of, especially where I lived in New York. Then I had another strong feeling that led me to study yoga and meditation. It seems like throughout the years my intuition has helped me open my mind and tune into my higher self. My early experiences became the starting point for my life long journey to becoming a Master Truth Whisperer.
It didn’t happen overnight. There were a lot of things I had to learn about finding the proper balance and the best direction to go in my life in order to get to the point where I am now. And there were some things I had to let go of too.
For instance, I met my dream girl in high school and fell madly in love with her. We dated briefly, and then she decided to move on. I never got over her, and, after two failed marriages, numerous trips to India, spending years in the friend zone, and a lot of growth, I finally Let go of her in my mind. I worked on myself and did my inner work to heal and grow. I set the intention that I wanted to find a love like I felt with her when we were young, then I released attachment to how that would come about, and trusted that the Universe would deliver. I was still in touch with her, even though we were just friends and I was about to pick up the phone and call her one day, and then I suddenly heard a loud voice inside and it told me not to call. It was loud and clear and this was the first time it was so direct with me.
I didn’t want to listen, but I did. The very next day, to my amazement she called me. It took some time and patience, but I eventually won her back and now we are happily married. This is probably the best example of how the development of my intuitive Truth Whispering skills have helped me take the right action in so many areas of my life. Actually, my intuitive connection has helped me to actually manifest the life of my dreams.
Imagine if you had at your disposal a simple way of asking yourself questions and getting clear answers, true answers, that seem to come from a place beyond your conscious mind. We have all heard of fortune tellers and seen movies where they said, ask the oracle… the oracle knows the answer. Well, you are the oracle!
What if you could ask your intuition to tell you what’s true for you about whether something is really in your highest and best interest, secure in the knowledge that you would get an immediate and reliable response? It would be like having an internal lie detector that would be able to tell you the truth about what was really best for you!
Well, about ten years ago, I stumbled on just that… a simple technique that initially seemed a little strange but has since proved to be almost magical.
The Four Directions of Truth Whispering
Truth Whispering has four main areas of focus that we use as a target practice for increasing your intuitive skills with Healthy (Body) Whispering, Mindful (Mind) Whispering, Emotional (Energy) Whispering, and Spiritual (Soul) Whispering as areas of improvement.

Healthy (Body) Whispering
Let’s focus on your food and water intake, intending to bring your body back into balance. We will also learn how to find balance in our homes and our world using the right tools. We can help find the filters for water and air that support us and protect us from any harmful toxins, air pollution and even harmful EMF waves.

Mindful (Mind) Whispering
Our fears and self doubts are holding us back. To build a strong mindset, we can start by clearing our mental junk and bad thinking. We often don’t even see how our self destructive ego mind effects us daily. Easily learn to master your Mindfulness and it can become your very best friend and inner guide!

Emotion (Energy) Whispering
Using energy medicine techniques, we can discover the mental and emotional blocks in our energy field that hold us back. We created them with our personal traumas and intense emotions and as we learn to release them, we begin to feel more of our natural flow, regaining our internal strength and energy.

Spiritual (Soul) Whispering
Some of the many spiritual practices we will present here are from the ancient Hindu and Buddhist scriptures from India and beyond, and some of the practices are from new age online courses as well. Together, we will naturally learn to open up to our inner higher selves, and to quiet our minds and bodies.
“I have been compiling research in these four areas for five decades in order to improve my own life. Because Truth Whispering has been so transformational in my life, I have created a course to teach you how to implement Muscle Testing to determine the path your higher self wants for you. From basic Truth Whispering to Mastery, I can show you the steps you need to take to get to the point where you are tuned into the guidance from your higher self and can use that guidance for everything from what food to eat to how to heal your body, to what career path would be most fulfilling for you. I don’t want you to struggle through years of searching in order to find your way, so I created this course to provide you with a roadmap, which will take the struggle and uncertainty out of your journey to mastering Truth Whispering.”

Dave Karp
Truth Whisperer
With ‘Ascension Energies’ ramping up and more and more people awakening and building better relationships with their higher selves, this course is perfectly suited to help you thrive in these uncertain times. So many people are living in fear of what is happening around them. I can help you find calm in the storm and rely on your inner guidance to make the best choices for yourself and your family. There has never been a better time to turn inward, learn how to connect with your inner guide, and tap into Truth Whispering to guide your path through the chaos of the outside world.
I have honed my muscle testing and Truth Whispering abilities over the past decade. I have researched everything from healthy diets to help beat diabetes to various mindfulness techniques. I have traveled to Nepal and India numerous times, many of those with my guru, Sadguru Sant Keshavadas. I have immersed myself in learning about a wide variety of spiritual practices, mindfulness techniques, healing modalities, and technologies. I am a certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner and I have compiled most of the healing research I have done to create the Quantum Matrix Code, a free tool that anyone can use to heal themselves and to heal others.
And now its time to share it all with YOU!

My 30 Day – 100% Money-Back Guarantee
These days it’s hard to find anyone that stands behind what they do and offer a satisfaction guarantee. However, I see the value in being transparent and making sure everyone that takes my course is 100% satisfied.
The course is almost 2 months long and if anyone is not completely satisfied in the first 30 days with the Becoming a Truth Whisperer course they can withdraw and receive a 100% refund for their payment.
Let’s Talk About It First
If you’re still not sure if this course is a good fit for you, I’ll be happy to meet with you for a short discussion to see if it feels like you would benefit from the course. I only want people to be in the course if they are ready for transformation, if they are willing to be open to change.
This course will accelerate your spiritual evolution and bring you closer to being the authentic you that has been missing. Question really is… are you ready?